We had a very restful and enjoyable time at your home.  All the staff was great and very helpful.  Putu always greeted us with a smile each morning as he arrived to start his pool maintenance, Ayu was charming and did some grilled fish for us a couple of nights.  I did a lot of cooking myself as I love to cook and shop the traditional markets.  Made is a great driver and took us on a tour one day to a couple of Puras outside of Singaraja and also to Sawan to see the Gamelan factories.  We had a good lunch at the Singaraja port and we had Made join us for a meal.  Night watch Putu always greeted us when he arrived so we knew he would be doing his rounds.
We also met Ayu's two adorable children and also when Made picked us up to take us to Poinciana Resort for last night, he brought his son with him for the ride.  It was great.